Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Holiday Marketing – Crisis or Opportunity?

To different types of businesses, the holidays can either be a bane or a blessing. Some businesses become hectic while others become so quiet that they just have to pause operations during this time of the year. Here are some tips to prepare for the holidays, whether you’re looking to slow down or speed up business
  1. Start now. Plan the coming holidays. What do you intend to do? When will you push sales? When will you close the books?
  2. Look back and review how you’ve done in the past to determine if there’s some form of marketing that can help revenues this time of the year

  3. Calendarize your holiday. Based on your history and trend for the year, how many staff members will you need to get through the holiday? Jot down everybody’s days off as well as your own

The holidays are what you make it.

(image from

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