Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cohen And Pratt's 7 Laws of Good Leadership

Here's a really nice article from Cohen & Pratt. This article is about leadership and the laws that you should keep if you want to be a good leader.

You’re not a leader unless others follow, and in order to get people to follow you must exhibit qualities that inspire confidence and trust – confidence that you know what you’re doing and trust that you’ll do what you say you’ll do. Following are seven attributes that any good leader must have to keep their team following them.

1. Clearly outline your vision. You need to inspire people by giving them purpose and direction. If you can’t articulate your vision, don’t expect to get the best out of your team. People want to be part of a success story. Show them how you can lead them there.

2. Develop a plan to accomplish your vision. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but you need to demonstrate how you’re going to lead your team from point A to point B. Break your plan down into simple, clear steps and assign a deadline to each step. Make sure everyone is on board, and then start rowing in the same direction.

3. Be decisive. No one wants to follow someone who can’t make up their own mind. Do your homework, get wise counsel and then make a decision that you can stick with.

4. Adapt. When things change in the marketplace you need to make adjustments. Take out your plan, get your team together, brainstorm ways to adapt to changes and then implement the necessary changes. Remember, your plans are living, breathing documents; not static, dogmatic doctrines.

5. Keep your word. If you tell an employee you’re going to do something, then do it. Nothing destroys trust and confidence in a team member like breaking your word. And forgetfulness isn’t an excuse.

6. Praise your staff whenever it’s warranted. This is important to keep moral high, but avoid false praise because all it does is to diminish genuine praise.

7. Be honest and fair-minded. Employees will notice even the most subtle displays of dishonesty or biased behavior over a period of time. And playing favorites is a one sure-fire way to destroy the moral of your team. So, don’t do it.

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