Sunday, June 29, 2008

Guess Chocolates Can Also Be Used In Business, Not Just In Courtship - IBM Tries To Win Over Africa With Chocolate

I absolutely LOVE chocolate. I don't know how people can survive without it. Well actually I do know, I just enjoy chocolate so much I think it should be part of the daily diet. Chocolate tastes good, makes you feel good and is not that expensive. It also doesn't take that long - unlike other things that are also considered satisfying.

Anyway moving on, IBM is attempting to endear itself to Africa. It's weapon of choice - you guessed it - chocolate! And why chocolate? Apparently it is Africa's primary crop and source of economic stability. And so understanding cocoa and in turn chocolate will help the region improve over all - the people and the economy.

With IBM's recent million dollar investments in Africa, it would make sense for them to give some back for a change and help the region flourish. So how are they doing this? IBM is having their new supercomputer Blue Gene to understand the genetic makeup of the cocoa genome that could make it more resistant to droughts and pests, which could lead to a steady crop and contribute to Africa's economies.

A noble feat - but also with criticism, apparently there may be some ulterior motive aligned with business and financial returns for the company. Makes sense, IBM after all is a corporation and not a charity foundation. I agree with their business strategy as long as it helps people instead of cause harm then I guess no foul.

If Africa is to gain with IBM's supercomputer profits - then I guess all is well with the world.

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